Trade, Consulting & Solutions

Our costomers

Are you frustrated with late orders and constant price increases?

Synocura resolves your problems! We can provide reliable logistics for seamless and speedy diagnostics – national and international. We support you regarding every order:

We would like to present to you your wide range of products for various applications.

Procurement of substitute products

We will provide you with equivalent or higher quality laboratory materials at lower prices.

Sterilisation by means of gamma irradiation

We use the gamma sterilisation process, which is harmless to patients, to kill microorganisms on medical products.

Compliant with MDR

Our medical devices are all compliant within the framework of the EU Medical Devices Regulation and the MDR, i.e. they are subject to the EU Medical Devices Regulation and thus meet the highest quality standards.

Optimised ordering processes

We will advise you on the most efficient way to conduct your purchasing in the future and how to succeed in procuring the highest quality materials cost-effectively.

Short delivery times

We can advise you on strategic purchasing of medical aids and will take care of your purchasing processes.

More economical pricing

In our network, you enjoy particularly favourable purchasing conditions and realise effective cost savings that create real added value for you.

Synocura creates synergies between medicine and industry

Synocura is your reliable partner for synergetic health management. We strive to create a healthcare system that benefits everyone. Therefore, we offer radically innovative problem solving to all healthcare players by means of customised strategies beyond. You will benefit from our experience of more than 25 years as a consultant in the healthcare sector, as well as from our interdisciplinary, global network of experts. Through unique, strategic synergies which link medicine and industry, we ensure that you increase your quality, revenues as well as efficiency and work out competitive advantages. With this unique combination of Consulting, Trade and Solution, Synocura creates customised strategic solutions with a triple win for all parties. As a perfect link between doctors, health insurance companies, industry and trade, you receive everything from us as a one-stop shop.

Together, we’ll take the next step to make your business one of the most optimal providers.

Let yourself be convinced by our clients & partners

Questions? Please don't hesitate to get back with us any time.

As a hub between Trade, Consulting & Solutions we can support and advise you in all matters. Our experts will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Don´t hesitate to get in touch!

We look forward to being at your service!


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Healthcare consulting

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